10 Steps To Achieve Success

1) Why

For anyone wanting to become success, they must start with their reason why. It should be a deeper reason than wanting to be rich or to have more why, it should be something that is driving you. You need to write your why down and read it at least twice a day every day. When you write down your why and constantly read it, it should propel you to go as hard as possible to achieve it. An example of your why could be that you want to leave an inheritance for your children, or you would like to retire your parents, to leave your job.

2) Goals

Define what success looks like to you. No one is ever successful, success is a moving target, I guarantee that when you achieve your “goal” you will always add more and want to achieve more. You need to clearly define your goal but most importantly you need to set a date to when you want to achieve it. To make your goal more effective, you should write your goal like it’s already done in the following format: I am so happy and grateful that …. By …. Only 3% of people that write down their goals but those that do are likely to be successful. Not having a goal is like jumping in a car and driving around aimlessly with no destination, that’s what a lot of us do in life but when you have a goal you’re focused on what you’re trying to achieve. I put my goals everywhere. I see them visually, if you were to come to my house or my office you would think I’m crazy, it keeps me focused, when I’m having a tough day and I look at my goals I’m remotivated.

3) Visualisation

It is so important to understand the power of visualisation. What you visualise will materialise. Everything that has ever been created was first created in the mind. On my way to becoming a 6 figure earner in the company that I’m partnered with I used to visualise achieving my rank in the company, I used to visualise my name on the Hall of Fame with the rank that I wanted to achieve. I would look at it every single day and imagine my name being there. I would visualise walking across the stage accepting my Chairman plaque, I even wrote my acceptance speech months in advance before I had achieved it. I used to practice that speech and visualise myself performing that speech in front of thousands of people. I don’t live in the present I’m constantly in the future thinking about what I want to see.

4) Believe

There is no point trying to become successful if you don’t believe that it is possible. This is the biggest problem most people have, believing that it can happen to them because a lot of us have preconceived notions as to why we can’t achieve success, whether it be our gender, ethnicity or because of our grades at school. We must have the mindset that it is possible and that it is already done! My belief when trying to become successful is that this is my birth right, if we only knew how powerful the mind was, we would be afraid to think negatively. One of the biggest things that I have had to deal with as a mentor and a coach is dealing with people’s self-doubt and getting them to see what I can see in them and having to work to increase their self-confidence. If you don’t have a mentor I would suggest that you write down 5 of your greatest strengths, write down examples of when you have had to overcome adversity, write down what you think makes you unique, if you’re struggling with any of this ask friends to help you. Look at examples of successful people who are trying to achieve what you would like to, study them and follow what they do. Say affirmations that proclaim who and what you want to be daily, whenever a negative thought comes into your head counteract with at least three positive affirmations about yourself. Your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s fake so you can burn an image in your mind and program your mind into believing whatever you want. The greatest leaders believe where they’re going before they even get there.

5) Action

Are there any courses you could be doing to achieve success? Who are you listening you? Look at your friendship groups, elevation requires separation. Sometimes that is only temporary, but it may be necessary to ensure you are not being held back from what you are trying to achieve. You are the sum total of the 7 people you spend the most time with. Look for a mentor, finding a mentor is a shortcut to success you will get there a lot quicker, who would you like to swap places with? Who is doing what you would like to be doing? Be intentional about your success, don’t procrastinate because success loves speed.

6) Risk – Taking

Fortune favours the bold, success is for the brave. Nothing worth having was ever achieved without taking a risk. In order for me to get to where I wanted, I left a comfortable job where I had a comfortable salary, my retirement plan was all figured out and I knew that was where I was going to be for the next 40 years. The only thing was I was living paycheque to paycheque and uncomfortable in terms of my finances. So I took the leap of faith and quit my professional career to pursue my side side hustle to give it everything

7) Uncomfortable

Be prepared to be uncomfortable, your comfort zone is your broke zone. We can only grow by doing the things that make us uncomfortable. A lot of the time being unwilling to come out of your comfort zone is what will keep you in the same place, stagnant and not achieving. I would say that I’m quite an introverted person, I had to change that and force myself to come out of my shell which at first was very uncomfortable for me. Sometimes we need to do things that we don’t particularly like to get some great results and I promise you when you start to become uncomfortable doing things that are going to help you grow and achieve your goals you will not look back and wish you did it sooner!

8) Focused

Be focused, what you focus on expands. The secret weapon of billionaires is sacrifice, you won’t catch them spending all their time on social media or playing computer games, a great achievement involves great sacrifice. You can either have a pain of regret or the pain of sacrifice.

9) Consistency

Have a daily routine, act despite your mood you need to schedule success and your success does not care whether you feel like putting in the work today. Don’t stop when you think you have made it, consistent actions produces consistent results. You need to be consistent in your personal development, keep improving yourself and grow, keep thriving to be better. Don’t give up when you get punched in the face and on your journey to success there are going to be many punches to the face.

10) Resillience

Everyone has a plan until the get punched in the face – Mike Tyson. The greatest skill is our ability to not give up. So many people do not become successful because they give up when the going gets tough. There are going to be many challenges on the road to success, the key is to understand that this is part of the journey, always remember after winter come spring. You’ve got this!

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