Kyree Terrell

Kyree Terrell is at ease in front of the camera whether it’s workout videos at the gym, looking sharp at events across the city, or in the studio. But as much style and substance he brings while he is in front of the camera, his strength lies behind it.

Kyree founded in 2015 as an alternative news source for essential, positive local news. Featuring short videos and social media, My NEW Philly has built a loyal audience hungry for live feeds highlighting the people, places and projects that make Philadelphia great. From food and dating to sports and entertainment, the curated content presents Phila Delphia’s renaissance with passion and style. My NEW Philly has been featured in Philadelphia Business Journal, FYI Philly, Visions, the Phila Delphia Metro, and Philly Current.

Expect a shift in 2020 to creative film – style content which includes a more robust YouTube channel with comedy and drama content. It’s a part of Kyree’s goal to write, direct and produce films.

In 2013, he produced a web series, Singledom. It was then he noticed that no one in the city was producing consistent video content and covering entertaining aspects of Philadelphia.

” No one was using the social media machine to broadcast content at the time and that fascinated me. ” He kept repeating ” somebody should, ” until he realized he would have to be that somebody . He admits he wasn’t qualified to start a business on his own at the time. He didn’t have all of the skills needed or the space but he had the idea. He talked to different people and it became clear he could, indeed, start a business And he did. It’s a part of Kyree’s ” or die ” mentality. ”

If you don’t do it, or you don’t fix it, what’s the most catastrophic thing that can happen? You have to consider the worst. Once you consider the worst it should force you in the other direction. When it came to building My NEW Philly, if I saw someone else do it, that would have been death for me ” He doesn’t mean it in the literal sense, instead it’s the feeling of having an idea and not taking action because you were too scared to take action and now you have to watch someone else do it. The ” or die ” mentality comes from growing up in the foster care system in Philadelphia. Kyree has lived on his own since he was seventeen. He often says that some of the things does now – interviews, meetings, videos are easy. ” I know where I could and should be statistically had it not been for my mentality. When going through adversity, you’re either going to rise from it or it’s going to crumble you. If you can use the negative as fuel, it can help you push yourself. ” VIDEO … OR DIE How important is video marketing’s role in growing a business ? 85 % of all internet users in the US watched online video content 87 % of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool Video is a consumers ‘ favorite type of content to see from a brand on social media 88 % of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI Video marketers get 66 % more qualified leads per year ” Kids don’t watch TV. They know the products on their timeline. It might not affect your business now but when they start making buying decisions they aren’t going to know your company.
They are going to go with companies that feel like them . Video content is now easier than it ever was to produce. My NEW Philly understands the importance of video marketing and is equipped to help businesses enter or enhance their video marketing. They can also handle graphics , social media management, offer digital media liaison support and produce stellar video content. My NEW Philly serves as a backbone. to companies that don’t fully under stand video content but know they need to remain top – of – mind with current and prospective clients. Yes, video marketing is an ” or die ” proposition. Just look at the stats  And keep an eye out for My NEW Philly’s ” video or die ” commercial set five years in the future where they interview business who failed to embrace video . ” Video content is a must at this point. If you’re not in the arena now you are not going to be in the arena later. ” For the real estate industry, it’s not a hard thing to adopt. My NEW Philly produces Lockbox Philly , where they do video , drone and live tours of homes. Kyree calls it a ” cost – effective no – brainer ” Just consider the price of conducting an open house and the amount of people who show up. ” The days of wanting a warm feeling with a REALTOR® are over. Gen Xers and Millennials aren’t those types of people. They see a video , share it, and then con tact the REALTOR®. ” Kyree also advises creative ways to promote videos on social media. ” You have to be consistent. Content is king . You can’t put out enough content . ” As digital medialising sons , My NEW Philly is well – versed in social media algorithms and engagement which plays a key role in any content . creation plan . ” If you are running a successful business you don’t have the time to do it . We work to figure out what your business’s needs are and how a campaign can work for you . ” ALWAYS PRODUCING When Kyree started , he was an event photographer shooting social scenes . He recommends people who want to get into film start with events because it’s ” not for the faint of heart ” and you have to learn to maneuver a crowd to get the right shots . Today, My NEW Philly shoots some of the most high profile events in Philadelphia including Dineren Blanc . When Kyree was behind the lens in cramped clubs years ago , something else was in his sights in addition to the subjects he was shooting. ” I truly believe in going and getting what you want. When people see you in the small club, they can’t see what you see. I already saw myself doing the biggest events. You got to have a vision of where you want to be and perform like that person. You can’t move forward if you’re behaving in a way that doesn’t show prosperity .
” REAL PRODUCERS – REAL PEOPLE Favorite movie : Avatar and Inception Restaurant : Ms. Tootsie’s Podcast or book : Celestine Prophecies Team :
Philadelphia Eagles Athlete : Allen Iverson Place to go in the
Philadelphia area : Reading Terminal Vacation spot : Cabo

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